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  • Writer's picturejonathanhambrook

A world of Home Inspection (well Airdrie anyways)!

Welcome to Red Brick Home Inspections,

A Home Inspection Blog!

Hello! My name is Jonathan, I am a home inspector with Red Brick Home Inspections located in Airdrie,Alberta.

The world of home inspection has come naturally to my brain, as I have since the age of 20, always completed all my own home maintenance and renovations and having completely renovated a Red Brick built 1970's townhome in England...., thinking my way around the home is easy. I wish that could be said about Blogging but "HEY" that just another thing to learn! So far I've learnt a new profession, started a new business, set up a new website, this blogging thing can't be hard. Or can it?

What this space all about....

The idea behind my blog is to inform people with pertinent information about the home, home inspection and the home inspection process with articles, inspection finds along with general information, spreading the word that Red Brick Home Inspections is the Home Inspection company to book for your home inspection.

On closing my 1st Blog!!!

Like a pair of cheap shoes or oversized jeans, I understand that many a blog is abandoned after a short period of time but as the Animals once sang "I'm just a soul who's intensions are good! Please don't let me be misunderstood!

So eyes up, coming soon, some good information for you homeowners and realtors. Let's all learn!

Please follow and comment when you can. Till the next time!


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